2024-09-05關於 9 月 6 日惡劣天氣下停課安排各位家長:
關於 9 月 6 日惡劣天氣下停課安排
天文台已發出 8 號熱帶氣旋警告信號, 教育局宣佈全港中學明天停課,2024 年 9 月 6 日(星期五)學校所有課堂及課外活動將會取消。學校會保持校舍開放,照顧已返抵學校的學生。
Dear Parents,
Arrangements for Class Suspension Due to Severe Weather on September 6
As the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) issued Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8, the Education Bureau has announced that all secondary schools in Hong Kong will be suspended tomorrow (September 6).
All classes and extracurricular activities will also be cancelled . The school will remain open to ensure the safety of students who have arrived at school.
Principal Office